Chemical and isotopic (D, 18O) compositions of 40 shallow groundwater, 14 observation well water and 2 river water
samples in the Sho river fan, Toyama, northern part of central Japan, were analyzed to examine their water quality, origins
and water flow in order to obtain baseline geochemical data for application of groundwater to geothermal heat pump
(Geo-HP). Water temperatures of the groundwaters in the observation wells are almost constant at 15°C from surface to
ca. 60 m in depth and increase up to 25°C at depth of 200 m with the thermal gradient of 6°C/100 m. This geothermal
gradient is twice as high as that of the other areas in Japan, suggesting existence of high temperature geothermal sources
beneath this region and a high potential for heat usage in winter
KANAME IWATAKE;TOSHIAKI MIZOGUCHI;SHINGO TOMIYAMA;JING ZHANG;HIROSHI SATAKE;AKIRA UEDA.Geochemical study of groundwater in the Sho river fan, Toyama Prefecture for heat usage by geothermal heat pump.