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南京农业大学农学院《The plant cell》发表万建民院士团队“Rice LIKE EARLY STARVATION1 cooperates with FLOURY ENDOSPERM6 to modulate starch biosynthesis and endosperm development ”(图)
万建民 酶 蛋白复合物
2024年1月24日,万建民院士领衔的南京农业大学和中国农业科学院作物科学研究所的科研团队合作在国际著名期刊The plant cell在线发表了题为“Rice LIKE EARLY STARVATION1 cooperates with FLOURY ENDOSPERM6 to modulate starch biosynthesis and endosperm development ”的研究...

南京农业大学农学院《The Plant Cell》发表万建民院士团队“The transcriptional hub SHORT INTERNODES1 integrates hormone signals to orchestrate rice growth and development”(图)
万建民 植物激素 分子机制
2023年5月18日,国际著名期刊《The Plant Cell》在线发表了万建民院士团队题为“The transcriptional hub SHORT INTERNODES1 integrates hormone signals to orchestrate rice growth and development”的论文(10.1093/plcell/koad130),系统阐明了转录因子OsS...

南京农业大学农学院《PNAS》发表万建民院士团队“Auxin regulates source-sink carbohydrate partitioning and reproductive organ development in rice”.(图)
万建民 水稻光合产物 信号分子 发育
2022年8月30日,南京农业大学万建民院士团队关于生长素调控水稻光合产物源库分配和生长发育机制的研究成果“Auxin regulates source-sink carbohydrate partitioning and reproductive organ development in rice”在PNAS上发表。

山西医科大学曹济民教授团队发表综述 SARS-CoV-2: Structure, Biology, and Structure-Based Therapeutics Development 入选ESI高被引论文和热点论文(图)
曹济民教授 山西医科大学 新型冠状病毒
山西医科大学细胞生理学教育部重点实验室曹济民教授团队发表的有关新型冠状病毒的综述(Mei-Yue Wang, Rong Zhao, Li-Juan Gao, Xue-Fei Gao, De-Ping Wang, Ji-Min Cao. SARS-CoV-2: structure, biology, and structure-based therapeutics development. Fron...

2021年7月19日,南京农业大学动物科技学院动物科技学院刘红林教授、申明副研究员团队在猪卵泡发育的分子机制研究中取得重要进展,两篇高水平研究论文“Oocytes and hypoxanthine orchestrate the G2-M switch mechanism in ovarian granulosa cells”和“FOXO1 mediates hypoxia-induced G0/...

中国科学技术大学光寿红课题组与合作者在《Genes & Development》上揭示USTC复合物在piRNA转录中的功能(图)
中国科学技术大学 光寿红 课题组 合作者 Genes & Development USTC复合物 piRNA转录 分子生物学 细胞生物学 遗传学
近日,中国科学技术大学生命科学学院光寿红课题组与剑桥大学的Eric Miska课题组合作在《Genes & Development》上发表了题为“The USTC co-opts an ancient machinery to drive piRNA transcription in C. elegans”的文章。该研究在线虫中发现了一个参与piRNA转录过程的上游序列转录复合物(USTC复合物)...

加州大学圣地亚哥分校医学院的研究人员在当前在线期刊《Stem Cells and Development》杂志上撰文,描述了一种快速,经济有效的从原代细胞中制造人皮层类器官的方法。

Shining a Light on Plant Growth and Development(图)
Shining a Light Plant Growth Development
Plants don’t have eyes, but they do “see” their surroundings using light.That’s made possible by proteins called photoreceptors that absorb light and convert it into a signal that turns genes on or of...
Excess iron: considerations related to development and early growth
brain early growth erythropoiesis excess iron iron metabolism ron toxicity pregnancy stem cells
What effects might arise from early life exposures to high iron? This review considers the specific effects of high iron on the brain, stem cells, and the process of erythropoiesis and identifies gaps...
2017冷泉港亚洲会议:细胞信号传导、代谢与疾病发展(Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on Cell Signaling&Metabolism in Development&Disease)
2017 冷泉港亚洲会议 细胞信号 传导 代谢 疾病
We are pleased to announce the Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on Cell Signaling & Metabolism in Development & Disease which will be held in Suzhou, China, located approximately 60 miles west of Sh...
MU Study Finds that Gravity,‘Mechanical Loading’ are Key to Cartilage Development
MU Study Gravity Mechanical Loading Cartilage Development
Mechanical loading, or forces that stimulate cellular growth for development, is required for creating cartilage that is then turned to bone; however, little is known about cartilage development in th...
Effect of maternal high dosages of folic acid supplements on neurocognitive development in children at 4–5 y of age: the prospective birth cohort Infancia y Medio Ambiente (INMA) study
folic acid supplements folate pregnancy periconception period child neurocognitive development
Background: The benefits of the use of folic acid supplements (FASs) during the periconception period to prevent neural tube defects and to ensure normal brain development in offspring are well known....

中国科学院生物物理研究所梁栋材院士课题组与美国合作者在genes & development以封面论文形式发表了Wnt信号通路泛素化连接酶降解机制的新进展(图)
Wnt/β-catenin信号 E3泛素连接酶
2017年6月1日,genes & development 杂志以封面论文的形式发表了中国科学院生物物理研究所梁栋材院士课题组与美国诺华生物医学研究所Feng Cong研究团队、华盛顿大学许文清教授关于Wnt信号通路泛素化连接酶降解机制的最新研究成果,文章题为“The SIAH E3 ubiquitin ligases promote Wnt/β-catenin signaling through...
Scientists identify two new proteins connected to plant development
Scientists two new proteins connected plant development
The discovery of two new proteins could lead to better ways to regulate plant structure and the ability to resist crop stresses such as drought, thus improving agriculture productivity, according...