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[成果]北京师范大学物理学系张金星和沈卡小组与合作者以“Strain-Driven Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction for Room-Temperature Magnetic Skyrmions”为题发表学术成果(图)
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya(DM)相互作用,是一种反对称自旋交换作用,于上个世纪六十年代由I. Dzyaloshinskii利用唯象理论提出,并由T. Moriya在超交换相互作用中考虑自旋轨道耦合而发展的微观理论,被用来解释磁性体系中诸多新奇物理现象(自旋玻璃中的各向异性场、多铁性材料中的磁电耦合、自旋波的非对称色散关系、非共线磁结构等)。近十几年来,由于DM相互作用而实现的螺旋...
The Friuli (NE-Italy) tilt/strain gauges and short term observations
tiltmeter strainmeter short term observations
The tilt/strainmeter network of the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Trieste, has by now a long history of records, the Trieste Grotta Gigante horizontal pendulum station having been ...
Seismic response to stress-strain fields in the lithosphere of Sicily
stress strain lithosphere Sicily
Earthquake locations and fault-plane solutions are investigated in Sicily and the surrounding areas, by using local network data for the period 1988-1995, and a recently proposed 3D model of the local...
Precursory accelerated Benioff strain in the Aegean area
Benioff strain critical point Aegean area
Accelerating seismic crustal deformation due to the occurrence of intermediate magnitude earthquakes leading to the generation of a mainshock has recently been considered a critical phenomenon. This h...
Strain pattern of the Southern Tyrrhenian slab from moment tensors of deep earthquakes:implications on the down-dip velocity
southern tyrrhenian seimin strain rate tensor down-dip velocity aseismic subduction
Seismic strain is analysed along the slab face of the Southern Tyrrhenian subduction zone using focal mechanisms of deep earthquakes which occurred in the period 1960-1998. Results show that the slab ...
Slip weakening, strain and short-termpreseismic disturbances
slip weakening accelerated creep short-term earthquake precursor strain spatialtemporalscale mosaic pattern teleseismic effects
The problem of short-term earthquake precursors is discussed. In contrast to the increasing number of reports on short-lived precursors of various types, direct strain measurements cannot detect clear...
Kinematics and strain analyses of the eastern segment of the Pernicana Fault (Mt.Etna,Italy) derived from geodetic techniques (1997-2005)
GPS EDM ground deformation Pernicana Fault Mt. Etna
This paper analyses the ground deformations occurring on the eastern part of the Pernicana Fault from 1997 to 2005. This segment of the fault was monitored with three local networks based on GPS and E...
Seismic strain and stress field studies in Italy before and after the Umbria-Marche seismic sequence:a review
moment tensor seismotectonics
The seismic sequence that hit Umbria and Marche during 1997 and 1998 was particularly significant because it dramatically marked the evolution of analysis tools and the development of our geophysical ...
Strain patterns along the Kaparelli–Asopos rift (central Greece) from campaign GPS data
GPS Strain Kaparelli Central Greece
We present results from four GPS campaigns in the broader Kaparelli–Asopos area in central Greece. This area is undergoing extension as demonstrated by seismological, geodetic and geological data. The...
Capturing strain localization behind a geosynthetic-reinforced soil wall
constitutive relations deformation earth pressures failure geosynthetics numerical modelling plasticity retaining walls strain localization
This paper presents the results of finite element (FE) analyses of shear strain localization that occurred in cohesionless soils supported by a geosynthetic-reinforced retaining wall. The innovative a...
A finite-element (FE) model of localized deformation in soft rock taking a strong discontinuity approach is presented. The model is formulated within the context of rate-independent, nonassociated Dru...
Selection for Duration of Fertility and Mule Duck White Plumage Colour in a Synthetic Strain of Ducks (Anas platyrhynchos)
Duck Duration of Fertilization Fertility Selection Plumage Colour
A synthetic strain of ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) was developed by introducing genes for long duration of fertility to be used as mother of mule ducklings and a seven-generation selection experiment wa...
Characterization of the quorum -sensing system of a biocontrol strain Burkholderia ambifaria from maize rhizosphere
Quorum sensing system plant protection antifungal activity fungal pathogens homoserine lactone
The aim of the present research was to characterize the quorum-sensing system of a maize rhizosphere isolate of Burkholderia ambifaria, strain BcF, isolated at the USDA Plant Protection Lab in Beltsvi...
Microscale strain partitioning? Differential quartz crystallographic fabric development in Phyllite, Hindu Kush, Northwestern Pakistan
Space the fabrics of quartz c axis the overall structure quartz grains
Spatially referenced quartz c axis fabrics demonstrate the preservation of multiple, distinct fabrics in a specimen collected from northwestern Pakistan. The overall fabric yielded by the specimen is ...
Strain localisation in mechanically layered rocks beneath detachment zones: insights from numerical modelling
Fully dynamic numerical simulation of the seepage plate separation zone mode localization testing
We have designed a series of fully dynamic numerical simulations aimed at assessing how the orientation of mechanical layering in rocks controls the orientation of shear bands and the depth of penetra...