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PM 2.5 污染扩散模型及适定性分析
偏微分方程理论 细颗粒物(PM2.5) 污染扩散规律 适定性
大气PM2.5 重金属 污染水平 富集因子
大气PM2.5 重金属 污染水平 富集因子
Modeling wet deposition and concentration of inorganics over Northeast Asia with MRI-PM/c
Modeling wet deposition concentration inorganics over Northeast Asia MRI-PM/c
We conducted a regional-scale simulation over Northeast Asia for the year 2006 using an aerosol chemical transport model, with time-varying lateral and upper boundary concentrations of gaseous species...
图Pm×P3 (n=11+8k)的点可区别全染色与算法
积图 点可区别全染色 点可区别全色数 三角排序
集合{1,2,…,n}中取4个数字的所有组合,经三角排序后任意相邻2个组合都有3个相同数字.利用此结果和组合性质n+8k3-n3≡ 0 (mod 4)构造算法,并证明当n=11+8k(k=0,1,…)和n-14/2+2
北京市城区两个典型站点PM 2 . 5 浓度和元素组成差异研究
P M 2 . 5 元素组成 扬尘 建筑
采用rp TEOM® 1400a颗粒物测定系统,于2008年1月到2010年12月,对北京城市生态系统研究站和北京教学植物园周边大气中细颗粒物(PM2.5)的浓度进行了连续监测.2010年,利用rp TEOM1400系统的旁路采样器同步采集PM2.5样品,经微波消解后采用ICP-MS和ICP-OES方法测定样品中的Al、As、Ca、Cd、Co、Cr、Cu、Fe、K、Mg、Mn、Na、N...
Fontaine's property (Pm) at the maximal ramification break
Fontaine’s property (Pm) ramification local class field theory
We completely determine which extension of local fields satisfies Fontaine’s property (Pm) for a given real number m.
Energy Levels, Transition Probabilities and Electron-Impact Excitations Of Ge-Like Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm and Eu ions
Energy Levels Ge-Like Pr
Energies, wavelengths, transition probabilities, and oscillator strengths have been calculated for the 4s24p2-4s4p3, 4s24p2-4s24p4d and 4s4p3-4p4 allowed transitions in heavy Ge-like ions with Z=59-6...
Biomass burning impact on PM 2.5 over the southeastern US during 2007: integrating chemically speciated FRM filter measurements, MODIS fire counts and PMF analysis
the southeastern US FRM filter measurements MODIS fire counts PMF analysis
Archived Federal Reference Method (FRM) Teflon filters used by state regulatory agencies for measuring PM2.5 mass were acquired from 15 sites throughout the southeastern US and analyzed for water-solu...
高温气冷堆 进气事故 石墨腐蚀 自然循环
进气事故是模块式高温气冷堆关注的超设计基准事故之一,石墨氧化腐蚀反应可能导致反射层结构强度减弱、燃料元件完整性和包容裂变产物能力被破坏,以及产生可燃气体等较严重后果。进气事故的分析研究对进一步掌握高温气冷堆的事故特性以及提高反应堆的安全设计具有重要意义。本文基于200 MWe球床模块式高温气冷堆示范工程(HTR-PM)的初步设计,假设与一回路压力边界上、下相连的燃料元件进料管和卸料管同时发生断裂,...
News on {tt PHOTOS} Monte Carlo:gamma^to pi^+pi^-(gamma) and K^pmtopi^+ pi^- e^pm nu(gamma)
Monte Carlo generator QED radiative corrections Ke4 decay
PHOTOS Monte Carlo is widely used for simulating QED eects in decay of intermediate particles
and resonances. It can be easily connected to other main process generators. In this paper we consider d...
Observations of OM/OC and specific attenuation coefficients (SAC) in ambient fine PM at a rural site in central Ontario,Canada
Observations OM/OC and specific attenuation coefficients ambient fine PM rural site
Ambient particulate matter (PM) samples were collected on quartz filters at a rural site in central Ontario during an intensive study in 2007. The concentrations of organic carbon (OC), pyrolysis orga...
The representation of dust transport and missing urban sources as major issues for the simulation of PM episodes in a Mediterranean area
dust transport missing urban sources major issues PM episodes Mediterranean area
Due to its adverse effects on human health, atmospheric particulate matter (PM) constitutes a growing challenge for air quality management. It is also a complex subject of study. The understanding of ...