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车前草 黄酮类 抗氧化活性 密度泛函理论
基于高斯超像素的快速Graph Cuts图像分割方法
图像分割 图切分 超像素 高斯模型
提出了一种交互式的快速图像分割方法. 该方法通过使用高斯超像素来构建Graph cuts模型以实现加速. 首先, 利用融合了边缘置信度的快速均值漂移算法, 将原始图像高效地预分割为多个具有准确边界的同质区域, 并将这些区域描述为超像素, 用于构建精简的加权图. 然后, 使用区域的彩色高斯统计对超像素进行特征描述, 并在信息论空间中对高斯距离度量进行设计. 另外, 为了准确而精炼地对先验知识进行参数...
Modification of a Porous Sheet (MAPS) for the High-Performance Solid-Phase Extraction of Trace and Ultratrace Elements by Radiation-Induced Graft Polymerization
Modification Porous Sheet High-Performance Solid-Phase Extraction Trace Ultratrace Elements Radiation-Induced Graft Polymerization
In this review, the preparation of a novel porous sheet designed for solid-phase extraction (SPE) and a comparison of the preconcentration performance of metal ions with conventional sorbents are des...
Simultaneous determination of Cu(II) and Pd(II) as 4-phenylpiperazinecarbodithioate complex using H-point standard addition method and derivative spectrophotometry
Simultaneous determination of Cu Pd 4-phenylpiperazinecarbodithioate complex H-point standard addition method derivative spectrophotometry
A new, simple, inexpensive, and sensitive method for the simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of Cu(II) and Pd(II) by H-point standard addition method and derivative spectrophotometry is desc...
甘草 电感耦合等离子体质谱 无机元素 主成分分析 聚类分析
溴鼠灵 β-环糊精 荧光分析法 超分子包络物
利用光谱法研究了β-环糊精与二代抗凝杀鼠剂溴鼠灵的超分子作用,根据Benesi-Hildebrand法确定二者的包络比为1∶1,室温下包络常数为1.048×104 L·mol-1。实验还考察了二者的包络机理,推测主要是溴鼠灵结构中的疏水基团联苯基进入了β-环糊精的疏水空腔。同时发现,超分子包络物的形成可以大大增强溴鼠灵的荧光发射,据此,建立了水溶液中测定溴鼠灵的荧光分析方法。在优化实验条件下,线性...
In vitro and in vivo Methods to Measure the Ceftriaxone Distribution into the Rat Tail Intervertebral Disc
vitro Ceftriaxone Distribution Rat Tail Intervertebral Disc
To characterize the pathway of ceftriaxone penetration into intervertebral discs, rat-tail discs were collected and immersed in a ceftriaxone solution for an in vitro study. For this in vivo experimen...
Development of a UPLC-ESI-MS/MS Assay for 20(S)-Protopanaxadiol and Pharmacokinetic Application of Its Two Formulations in Rats
Pharmacokinetic Application Two Formulations Rats
An ultra-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-MS/MS) method was developed to investigate 20(S)-protopanaxadiol (PPD) pharmacokinetics in rats. Rat plasma s...
A Reflectance Flow-through Thionine Sol-gel Sensor for the Determination of Se(IV)
Reflectance Flow-through Thionine Sol-gel Sensor Determination of Se
In this work, a reversible sensor to assess the total Se(IV) content in samples is described. Pre-activated glass slides were spin-coated with 100 μL of a 20-h aged sol-gel mixture of 1 mL of tetrame...
Suppression of Non-specific Adsorption Using Densified Tri(ethylene glycol) Alkanethiols: Monolayer Characteristics Evaluated by Electrochemical Measurements
Adsorption Tri Alkanethiols Electrochemical Measurements
Tri(ethylene glycol) terminated short alkylchain thiols (TEGCnSHs) offer good potential for constructing ultra-thin protein-resistant monolayers because they have an alkylchain for forming a densely p...
Theoretical Study on Sulfur Dioxide Absorption with Citrate Solution
citrate solution,absorption,sulfur dioxide, theoretical analysis
The citrate absorption of SO2 is currently one of the most successful and economic methods to harness sulfur dioxide pollution. In order to theoretically elucidate the mechanism of SO2 absorption by c...
铂族元素 ICP-MS 环境尘土样品
研究了电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)同时测定土样中痕量铂、铑、钯的分析方法。比较几种尘土样品的消解处理方法,采用王水加热回流来消解样品。优化了样品测量条件,并研究了干扰情况和消除干扰的方法。所建立的方法的精密度、线性关系良好,在优化的实验条件下Pt,Pd,Rh的检出限分别为0.48,4.22和0.42 ng·g-1,样品的加标回收率分别为Pt 87.6%~88%,Pd 85.2%~87.8%...
光发射 光学渡越辐射(OTR) 超热电子
利用光学CCD相机和OMA光学多道分析仪,分别在金属箔背表面法线方向测量了光发射的积分成像光谱和散射光光谱。积分成像光谱测量结果显示,光谱呈圆环状,在圆环边缘附近出现局部化明亮光信号确定为超热电子输运穿越固体靶引起的光学渡越辐射(OTR);散射光光谱测量结果显示,光谱在300~500 nm之间出现一系列非周期锐利尖峰,在400 nm(2ω)附近出现的尖峰归结于v×B加热机制产生的超热电子束中的聚束...