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旨在应用代谢组学技术筛选产后卵巢静止奶牛乳清和血清的差异代谢物,明确其与奶牛卵巢静止的关系。本研究选取产后45~60 d的正常发情奶牛和卵巢静止奶牛各14头进行试验。应用一维氢谱核磁共振(1H-NMR)技术对两组奶牛的乳清和血清进行检测,结合多元统计分析和单变量分析,筛选出组间差异代谢物,并进行生物信息学分析,阐明差异代谢物参与的代谢通路与奶牛卵巢静止的关系。结果表明,在乳清和血清中分别筛选出13...
2017年生物分子核磁共振计算高登研究研讨会(The Gordon Research Seminar on Computational Aspects of Biomolecular NMR)
2017年 生物分子核磁共振计算高登研究 研讨会
The Gordon Research Seminar on Computational Aspects of Biomolecular NMR is a unique forum for graduate students, post-docs, and other scientists with comparable levels of experience and education to ...
2017生物分子NMR计算戈登学术会议(The 2017 Gordon Research Conference on Computational Aspects-Biomolecular NMR)
2017 生物分子NMR计算戈登 学术会议
The Gordon Research Conference on Computational Aspects of Biomolecular NMR provides a unique forum for the presentation and discussion of emerging methods at the intersection of experimental Nuclear ...
19F NMR of Trifluoroacetyl-Labeled Cysteine Mutants of Myoglobin:Structural Probes of Nitric Oxide Bound to the H93G Cavity Mutant
19F NMR Trifluoroacetyl Cysteine Mutants Myoglobin Nitric Oxide H93G Cavity Mutant
Nitric oxide (NO) binds to the myoglobin (Mb) cavity mutant, H93G, forming either a 5- or 6-coordinate Fe--NO heme complex. The H93G mutation replaces the proximal histidine of Mb with glycine, allowi...
1H NMR Characterization of Myoglobins Where Exogenous Ligands Replace the Proximal Histidine
Sperm whale myoglobin Site-directed mutagenesis Resonance assignment Heme Orientation Imidazole Cyanometmyoglobin Binding Mutants H-1-nmr
The role of the proximal ligand in determining the structure and ligand binding properties of sperm whale myoglobin has been investigated using the mutant H93G(L), where the proximal histidine has bee...
Characterization of the Overall and Internal Dynamics of Short Oligonucleotides by Depolarized Dynamic Light Scattering and NMR Relaxation Measurements
Overall and Internal Dynamics Short Oligonucleotides Depolarized Dynamic Light Scattering NMR Relaxation
The dynamics of three synthetic oligonucleotides d(CG)4, d(CG)6, and d(CGCGTTGTTCGCG) of different length and shape were studied in solution by depolarized dynamic light scattering (DDLS) and time-res...
Structural changes between signaling states of bacterial chemoreceptors probed by solid -state NMR and hydrogen exchange
Structure of membrane protein lipid environment membrane signals bacteria chemical sensors membrane domains solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
The limitations of structural studies of membrane proteins imposed by the lipid environment has made it difficult to determine the molecular mechanism of transmembrane signaling. For the bacterial che...
Production of Citrate by Anaerobic Fungi in the Presence of Co-culture Methanogens as Revealed by 1H NMR Spectrometry
Piromyces sp. F1 Methanobrevibacter thaueri Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Citrate
The metabolomic profile of the anaerobic fungus Piromyces sp. F1, isolated from the rumen of goats, and how this is affected by the presence of naturally associated methanogens, was analyzed by nuclea...
pH对血清影响的1H NMR研究
NMR 血清 代谢物 pH值
维持血液的pH在7.35~7.45范围内,是生命的基本需要. 人体生理状态的改变往往会伴随或者引发血液pH的变化. 本文通过扩散加权、横向弛豫加权以及饱和转移差谱等1H NMR方法,对pH 7.0~7.8的血清体系进行研究,观察其中大分子和小分子代谢物的变化. 实验结果表明 pH的改变不仅能够引起血清中一些小分子代谢物化学位移的改变,还会影响小分子代谢物与蛋白的相互作用,引起这些小分子结合态和游离...
十个甾体皂甙元的13C NMR谱
甾体皂甙元 13C NMR谱
本文报道心不甘(Tupistra aurantiaca Wall et Backer)的十个甾体皂甙元:△5-系列的3-epiruscogenin(1),3-epi-ruscogenin(2),tupisgenin(3)和aurantigenin(4),5-β-系列的ranmogenin A(5)、B(6)、C(7)、D(8)、△25 - pentrogenin和1β、2β、3β、4β、5β、7α...
缩酚酸的13C NMR谱研究
地衣 缩酚酸 苔黑酚型
本文将23个缩酚酸的13C NMR谱的化学位移实测值(δmes)与根据Savitsky 规则计算得到的化学位移计算值(δcal)相比较,讨论苯环上各种取代基和取代位置对苯环碳的化学位移(δ)值的影响;同时得出一些对该类化合物苯环碳的δ值指定有帮助的规律。
在发现和寻找对人类本身无害、对自然环境无污染的新一代杀虫剂的过程中,我们对云南产筋骨草属(Ajuga)植物中的昆虫拒食和杀虫活性化学成分进行了系统研究。从云南曲靖地区产散瘀草(Ajuga pantatha Hand.-Mazz)中分离到了一些二萜化合物(另报),其中含量较高的成分之一是对苎麻黄蛱蝶(Paveba vesta)显示拒食活性的已知二萜化合物ajugacumbin B(1)[1]。
海南捕鸟蛛毒素-Ⅰ(HNTX-Ⅰ) 二维核磁共振(2D-NMR) 序列专一归属(Sequence-specific assignment) 二级结构(Secondary structure)
海南捕鸟蛛毒素-Ⅰ(HNTX-Ⅰ)是从海南捕鸟蛛(Ornithoctonus hainana)的粗毒中纯化的一种新型神经毒素。应用二维1H-NMR技术研究HNTX-Ⅰ的溶液结构特点,通过分析水和重水中的DQF-COSY 、TOCSY和NOESY谱,识别出HNTX-Ⅰ全部33个氨基酸残基自旋体系; 通过NOESY谱中的dαN、dβN、dNN和dαδ联系完成了序列专一的谱峰归属,从而确认了...