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Hydrogen in diopside: Diffusion, kinetics of extraction-incorporation, and solubility
Hydrogen diopside Diffusion kinetics extraction-incorporation solubility
The kinetic of H extraction-incorporation in diopside single-crystals (Ca . Na Cr Mg0 97 0.02 0.01 0.97Fe Si O ) deduced by monitoring OH infrared absorption bands for samples heated from 973 to0.036 ...
Structural investigation of platinum solubility in silicate glasses
Structural investigation platinum solubility silicate glasses
The coordination environment of 20-200 ppm Pt in yellowish glasses from the CaO-Al O -SiO
2 3 2(CAS) ternary was studied using X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy at the Pt-L edge.
Modeling of the solubility of a two-component H2O + CO2 fluid in silicate liquids
H2O + CO2 silicate liquids two-component
Thesolubilityofatwo-component,H O CO ?uidinsilicateliquidswasmodeledby
assumingmechanical,thermal,andchemicalequilibriumbetweenthe?uidandliquidphas- H O CO )
Coprecipitates of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in Iron Oxides: Solid Phase Transformation and Metal Solubility after Aging and Thermal Treatment
Aging Study Coprecipitation Electron Microprobe Analysis Ferrihydrite Transformation Metal Solubility Rate of Titration Thermal Treatment
Abstract: Solid phase transformation and metal solubility were monitored after coprecipitation of Cd2+, Cu2+, Pb2+ and Zn2+ with Fe3+ to form ferrihydrite by titration to pH 6. The (co)precipitates we...
Solubility and stability of zeolites in aqueous solution: I. Analcime, Na-, and K-clinoptilolite
Solubility stability zeolites I. Analcime K-clinoptilolite
The solubilities of analcime and clinoptilolite were determined in dilute, weakly alkaline,aqueous solutions below 300 8 C and at vapor-saturated pressures. Analcimes used in this study were from Mont...
An empirical model for the solubility of H2O in magmas to 3 kilobars
empirical model the solubility H2O
We present 16 new manometric determinations of H2O solubility for a range of natural silicate liquid compositions equilibrated up to 3 kbar of H2O pressure. As the threshold temperature of dehydration...
WehavecalibratedtheIRspectroscopictechniqueformeasurementofH Odissolved
The solubility of H2O in peralkaline and peraluminous granitic melts
The solubility H2O peralkaline peraluminous granitic melts
ThesolubilityofH Oinaseriesof13meltsbasedonahaplograniticcomposition(HPG8)havebeendeterminedfortheconditionsof500¤C5000barpressureand800C10C.Thecompositionsrepresenttheadditionsofindividualcomponents(...
A new garnet-orthopyroxene thermometer based on reversed Al2O3 solubility in FeO-Al2O3-SiO2 orthopyroxene
garnet-orthopyroxene thermometer reversed Al2O3 solubility FeO-Al2O3-SiO2 orthopyroxene
Reversedphase-equilibriumdata,collectedoverthe P-T range12¤C20kbarat850¤C11C,de?nethesolubilityofAl O inferrosilite(Fs)inequilibriumwithalmandinegarnet
(Alm).Thenewdataindicatesigni?cantlylowerAlO so...
The solubility of H2O in nominally anhydrous mantle minerals using 1H MAS NMR
H2O anhydrous mantle minerals 1H MAS NMR
The dissolved H20 concentrations of experimentally produced, Fe-free, nominally an-hydrous minerals (NAMs) have been measured using, for the first time, IH magic-angle-spinning NMR spectroscopy. Atlea...
Compositional dependence of H2O solubility along the joins NaAlSi3O8-KAlSi3O8, NaAlSi3O8-LiAlSi3O8, and KAlSi3O8-LiAlSi3O8
Compositional dependence H2O solubility NaAlSi3O8-KAlSi3O8 NaAlSi3O8-LiAlSi3O8 KAlSi3O8-LiAlSi3O8
The composition-dependence ofthe solubility ofH20 in silicate meltsalong the binary joins NaAlSi30g-KAlSi30g, NaAlSi30g-LiAlSi30g, and KAlSi30g-LiAlSi30g has been de-termined at 2kbar and 10400c. The ...
Acidified Oxalate and Dithionite Solubility and Color of Synthetic, Partially Oxidized Al-Magnetites and their Thermal Oxidation Products
Aluminum substitution Electron microscopy Hematite Maghemite Magnetite Oxidation Solubility
Abstract: Submicron-sized (∼3–60 nm) powders of Al-substituted magnetite were synthesized in the laboratory by precipitation methods by mixing appropriate molar volumes FeCl2, FeCl3 and AlCl3 so...
Effect of pH on Zinc Adsorption and Solubility in Suspensions of Different Clays and Soils
Zinc Adsorption Solubility pH Clays Soils
Zinc solubility in clay and soil suspensions was controlled by chemi-sorption at pH 4.5 - 7.0. Thesolubility in clay mineral suspensions was in the order
palygorskite < montmorillonite < kaolitlite a...
Relative Solubility of Corundum, Gibbsite, Boehmite, and Diaspore at Standard State Conditions
Acid solubility Aluminum Boehmite Corundum Diaspore Gibbsite
The solubilities of HCl-treated samples of corundum, gibbsite, boehmite, and diaspore in aqueous solutions at 298 K and one atmosphere pressure were determined from undersaturated and supersaturated i...
Solubility Measurements of Phases in Three Illites
Equilibration Illite Kaolinite Phase analysis Pyrophyllite Solubility
Goose Lake, Beavers Bend, and Fithian illites were equilibrated in the presence of goethite (or hematite) at room temperature for as long as 2.6 yr. Kaolinite of known stability was added to some samp...