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为解决自主水下航行器的变深控制问题, 提出一种基于反馈增益的反步控制方法. 首先, 通过设计控制器参数消除部分非线性项, 在保证系统稳定性的同时设计神经网络控制器来补偿纵倾运动中的模型不确定性; 然后, 通过自适应鲁棒控制器对神经网络的逼近误差予以消除, 以加快神经网络的收敛学习速度, 神经网络权值和逼近误差估计的学习律可由李雅普诺夫稳定性理论推导得出, 保证了闭环系统的一致最终有界性; 最后, ...
欠驱动AUV 路径跟随 模糊神经网络 L2增益
提出基于模糊神经网络欠驱动水下自主机器人(AUV) 的??2 增益鲁棒跟踪控制方法, 该方法通过在线学习逼近动力学模型的不确定项. 控制器克服了由于缺少横向推力对跟踪误差的影响, 在考虑未知海流干扰情况下, 实现了系统对模糊神经网络逼近误差的??2 增益小于??. 利用Lyapunov 稳定性理论证明了闭环控制系统误差信号一致最终有界. 最后, 通过精确模型参数和参数扰动仿真实验验证了该控制方法具...
深拖 自治水下机器人(AUV) 洋中脊 热液喷口探测
热液喷口探测是目前国际上的热点, 探测技术方法也多种多样。阐述了集成深拖与自治水下机器人(AutonomousUnderwaterVehicle, AUV)探测技术, 重点介绍了集成深拖的组合特性。针对热液喷口的探测需求, 根据集成深拖与AUV两种方法的优点, 提出两种技术方法的联合探测。以一个实际探测的区块为例, 讨论了两种方法联合探测的实效性。指出该技术方法可更快速地探测热液的异常范围, 同时...
单领航者 自主水下航行器 协同导航 相对位置测量
自主水下航行器 (Autonomous underwater vehicle, AUV) 的协同导航是解决水下导航定位问题的重要方法, 其中导航系统的定位误差增长特性是衡量其定位性能的关键指标. 本文针对单领航者相对位置测量的多 AUV 协同导航系统, 利用扩展卡尔曼滤波方法建立了导航系统的整体定位误差关于相对位置量测误差的传递方程. 在此基础上, 通过求解系统定位误差随时间演化的代数黎卡提方程,...
三维栅格地图 生物启发模型 路径规划 安全避障
针对自治水下机器人(AUV) 的路径规划问题, 在三维栅格地图的基础上, 给出一种基于生物启发模型的三维路径规划和安全避障算法. 首先建立三维生物启发神经网络模型, 利用此模型表示AUV的三维工作环境, 神经网络中的每一个神经元与栅格地图中的位置单元一一对应; 然后, 根据神经网络中神经元的活性输出值分布情况自主规划AUV的运动路径. 静态环境与动态环境下仿真实验结果表明了生物启发模型在AUV三维...
Research on global path planning based on ant colony optimization for AUV
autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) path planning ant colony optimization path smoothing
Path planning is an important issue for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) traversing an unknown environment such as a sea floor, a jungle, or the outer celestial planets. For this paper, global pa...
Modeling and simulation of a mini AUV in spatial motion
AUV kinematics model dynamics model motion control simulation
Accurate modeling and simulation of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is essential for autonomous control and maneuverability research. In this paper, a mini AUV? “MAUV-Ⅱ” was researched and the non...
Applying a semantic information Petri Net modeling method to AUV systems design
autonomous underwater vehicle(AUV) colored Petri Net modeling language(CPNML) substitution transition reachable tree
This paper informally introduces colored object-oriented Petri Nets(COOPN) with the application of the AUV system.According to the characteristic of the AUV system’s running environment,the object-ori...
Valuable mineral resources are widely distributed throughout the seabed. autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are preferable to remotely-operated vehicles (ROVs) when probing for such mineral resources as the extensive exploration area makes it difficult to maintain contact with operators. AUVs depend on batteries, so their power consumption should be reduced to extend exploration time. Power for conventional marine instrument systems is incorporated in their waterproof sealing. External intermittent control of this power source until termination of exploration is challenging due to limitations imposed by the underwater environment. Thus, the AUV must have a power control system that can improve performance and maximize use of battery capacity. The authors developed such a power control system with a three-step algorithm. It automatically detects underwater operational states and can limit power, effectively decreasing power consumption by about 15%.
surface piercing propeller boundary element method hydrodynamic characteristics
Demand for high-speed marine vehicles (HSMVs) is high among both commercial and naval users. It is the duty of the marine vessel’s designer to provide a hull and propulsion system that diminishes drag...