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中国科学院心理研究所蔡新璐、周晗昱两位博士荣获精神分裂症国际研究协会(SIRS)2021年会议“Early Career Award”
蔡新璐 周晗昱 精神分裂症 国际研究协会 SIRS 2021年 会议
近日,中国科学院心理健康重点实验室神经心理和应用认知神经科学实验室(NACN Lab)的博士研究生蔡新璐、周晗昱荣获精神分裂症国际研究协会(SIRS)2021年会议的“Early Career Award”。此次“Early Career Award”共有600位申请者,最终47人获此荣誉。蔡新璐来自中国科学院大学中丹学院的认知神经科学项目,周晗昱是心理研究所的博士研究生。两人均为2021年的应届...
NSF Engineering welcomes new crew of 160 early career researchers
NSF Engineering 160 early career researchers
Today, 160 early career engineering faculty embark on a five-year mission to explore strange new phenomena, seek out new understandings and new technologies, and create knowledge that no one has had b...
The Effectiveness And Retention Of Teachers With Prior Career Experience
Human capital Productivity
As schools and districts seek to recruit teachers, individuals in non-teaching professions are an appealing possible pool. These potential teachers come with work experience and may have expertise tha...
Effects of Educational Productivity on Career Aspiration Among United States High School Students
Educational Productivity Career Aspiration
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of mathematics-related educational productivity on student career aspiration. We developed a structural model describing the relationship between e...
Liberalizing Career Education: An Aristotelian Approach
Aristotelian Approach Career Education
Liberal education is traditionally defined in opposition to vocational study. This article proposes an expanded approach to liberal education that encompasses contemporary career preparation programs ...
Career Education as Humanization:A Freirean Approach to Lifelong Learning
Career Education Humanization Freirean Approach Lifelong Learning
This article contrasts the view of lifelong learning posed by the human capital discourse with Freire’s understanding of education as a lifelong journey toward personal growth and social transformatio...
Career Paths in Educational Leadership: Examining Principals’ Narratives
principals career path narrative analysis
This qualitative study analyzes the career path narratives of active principals. Structural narrative analysis was supplemented with sociolinguistic theory and thematic narrative analysis to discern t...
New Teachers’ Career Intentions: Factors Influencing New Teachers’ Decisions to Stay or to Leave the Profession
teacher retention teachers’ career intention teacher preparation
This study examines the relationship between the reported career intentions and perceptions of preparedness of graduating secondary teachers in Quebec, across a two- year period, in an effort to ident...
Influence of Role Models and Mentors on Female Graduate Students’ Choice of Science as a Career
Role Models and Mentors Female Graduate Students’ Choice Science as a Career
The purpose of this study was to examine the source, nature, and degree of influence of role models and mentors on female graduate students’ choice of science as a career. Also examined was the existe...
Life satisfaction of young Australians:relationships between further education,training and employment and general and career satisfaction
young Australians further education training employment general career satisfaction
This report has three broad aims : To describe the relationship between life satisfaction and participation in a range of post-school education, training and labour market activities each year between...
Career Advice in Australian Secondary Schools: Use and Usefulness
Career Advice Australian Secondary Schools Use and Usefulness
This report examines young people’s participation in career advice activities while at school and their perceptions of the usefulness of the advice they receive. The data are from the 2003 15 yearold ...
Leaving school in Australia : early career and labour market outcomes
Leaving school Australia early career labour market
This briefing uses key findings from two LSAY research reports to describe post-school education, training and labour market activities of young people during the period from 1996-2000. It also identi...
The Precocity-Longevity Hypothesis Re-Examined: Does Career Start Age in Canadian National Hockey League Players Influence Length of Lifespan?
Elite athletes age age and early death
Available data on elite athletes suggests they have longer lifespans than the general population (Teramoto and Bungum, 2010); however, this relationship is likely more nuanced than previously consider...
Tracking Career Performance of Successful Triathletes
Tracking athletes’ performances over time is important but problematic for sports with large environmental effects. Here we have developed career performance trajectories for elite triathletes, invest...
An innovation in the measurement of interests: the Career Interpersonal Identity Type Assessment
innovation measurement interests Identity Type Assessment
Measurement of interests has typically emphasized utilizing methodology requesting individuals to evidence their preferences through claiming to like, be indifferent to, or dislike a variety of occupa...